As cute as they are, squirrels can pose a real problem if they manage to get inside your home. They gnaw through boards, electrical wiring, and even chew on household items. Thankfully, there are a variety of measures for squirrel removal. These include denying access, physical deterrents, and traps—all of which you can do yourself if you are hesitant to call pest control.

What are the best DIY ways to get rid of squirrels? Read on to find out.


If you can stop the squirrels from ever making it into your house, it will make getting rid of them more manageable.

Fear of predators

Pets can act as a deterrent, especially if it chases them. If you don’t have pets, you can still use the squirrel’s avoidance of predators to ward them off.

  • Place a few large plastic owls in highly visible spots.
  • Buy predator urine and spray it around the yard. Just remember that you’ll need to reapply after rain or watering the garden.

Remove food sources

Any food you have out in your yard is fair game for the squirrels. 

  • Remove bird feeders
  • Only feed your pet at mealtimes, rather than leaving them with a full food bowl
  • If you use food scraps in the garden, consider getting a compost bin that squirrels can’t access.

Make squirrel access difficult

  • Secure your yard with a quality fence, without gaps. For example, use brick, metal sheeting, or tightly placed palings.  
  • Place “squirrel baffles” (metal banding at least two feet wide that circles your trees and poles) about six to eight feet off the ground. This will prevent squirrels from climbing up.


If squirrels have made it past the outer defenses and control measures to nest in your home, the easiest way to deal with them is to hire professionals. However, if you want to try and get rid of them yourself, there are steps you can take.

Squirrel repellents

You can try to repel the squirrels using any of the following:

  • Cloths soaked in cider vinegar 
  • Commercial squirrel repellent
  • White pepper, black pepper, or cayenne 

One-way exclusion door

This allows the squirrels to move out, but prevents them from coming back in. Before installing it, check the nest for babies; they will die without their parents, who will continue to try and get back in if their young are still inside.

  1. Inspect the building for entry points
  2. Use mesh or polyurethane to seal all but the main entrance
  3. Install a one-way exclusion door over the main entrance

Trapping squirrels

If all else fails, traps are another option. Just check your state laws; some areas don’t allow the trapping of squirrels, particularly grey ones, without a permit.

  • Set the live traps in the attic, using apple slices, nuts, or peanut butter for bait. Once set, check the traps at least twice a day. 


Once you’ve caught the squirrels, you can either take them out and release them into a local park yourself (check state regulations first) or call for animal control to collect them. Just make sure that you have sealed up all the holes in your house so that they can’t bother you again.

The Damage that Squirrels do to your property

Squirrels are a skittish bunch, preferring to steer clear of humans and other predators. However, it is not uncommon for them to find their way into your home and when they do, they can create a huge problem.

NY Wildlife Control is experts in their field, using humane methods of removing squirrels from in and around your home.

squirrel removal

Getting Rid of Squirrels in Your Attic

Squirrels are one of the most common urban invaders, thanks in part to just how many of these little guys there are. Whether it’s due to predators, food sources, or shelter, there are several reasons why squirrels may move onto your property. At Precise Exterminating Service, Inc. we’ve seen countless squirrel invasions on properties, with many of them involving squirrels in attics.

Attics are great spots for wildlife to move in, as they’re relatively climate controlled, there’s insulation, shelter, and oftentimes smaller prey find their way into attics as well. Squirrels then are attracted to any of these aspects, and then problems arise. Whether it’s from them biting through cabling or wires, making a mess, bringing in more animals, passing away in the attic, or more, there are countless problems that squirrels bring. As such, it’s understandable to want to know how to get rid of squirrels in your attic. So, let’s take a look at some of the most common solutions:

Cage Traps

One of the simplest solutions to get rid of squirrels in your attic, is to simply trap them. Leaving a one-way cage trap at the entrance to your attic can simply trap squirrels as they leave. This method works better for single squirrels rather than families, although you can certainly repeat the process. It’s important though to use cage traps, as these are humane and usually don’t injure the animal.

In the state of Ohio, you can relocate squirrels if they’re a nuisance on your property, and you don’t hold them in your possession for longer than 24 hours. That means that if you trap any squirrels in a cage trap, then you need to relocate them further than 5 miles away, within 24 hours. It is illegal to leave the traps alone though, so you need to keep a careful eye on them both while they’re active and a squirrel is trapped.

Limit Attic Entrances and Exits

After you’ve discovered any entrances and exits that squirrels take into your attic, an easy way to get rid of them, is to limit all openings to force them to take one single entrance or exit. If pressured, squirrels may leave of their own accord, or while they’re leaving through that one entrance, you can seal it. These animals can fit through countless small holes though, so be careful to caulk or seal all but one.

With just one entrance or exit left, the squirrels will have to leave through that specific area. Make sure to not seal all spots though, as you don’t want to leave carcasses within your attic. These can breed parasites, bacteria, and more, all of which can make you sick. By leaving one hole, you force their exit and avoid any unfortunate illness.

Call the Professionals

The easiest option of these three is to call the pros. As a pest control company, it’s not surprising that we’d leave these options, although it’s genuinely useful. We believe in taking care of your problem, whether squirrel or more, in a humane way that’ll ensure that you’re safe. It’s much easier and safer to call us at Precise Exterminating Service, rather than risk yourself.

As mentioned in the second option, when done wrong, squirrel removal can put you at risk. That’s not even including the potential scratches, bites, and rabies that squirrels can transmit. Without the right equipment or knowledge, it can be both difficult and risky to try to take care of squirrels by yourself. Even if you don’t necessarily want our help with your issue, feel free to call or contact us and ask for assistance or any answers to your questions.